
Price Discovery of Chinese Stock Market——Evidence From A and B Markets


中国外资股相对于内资股折价是一个由来已久的问题,具有明显的中国特色。在一定程度上内外资股价的差异源于制度的因素。随着制度的变革,内资股市场与外资股市场的情况不断变化,价格差异却一直存在,甚至有价差增大的趋势。 本文从长期视角研究沪深两交易所A、B股市场的价格发现关系,通过领先—滞后模型、长期—短期模型和信息分享模型对样本进行分段实证分析,检验了A、B股价格发现的关系,并验证了经济学的价格发现机理和笔者的推测。 全文共分为五章。第一章首先提出问题,并介绍价格发现的定义,着重强调了价格发现与市场的关系,然后综述了国内外对股票市场价格发现的理论研究成果和重要的实证研究。通过对文献的提炼与推敲,定...The issue has been so long time that Chinese foreign stock has a much lower price compared with Chinese domestic stock, which is also unique for China. As time went by, the circumstances of foreign stock market and domestic stock market have changed a lot but the gap of their prices still exists, even has extended. This paper focuses on price discovery of A and B shares in Shanghai and Shenzh...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2005130071

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