
The Analysis of time-varying integration between Shanghai A-Share and International Capital Market Based on the MVGARCH-BEKK (1, 1) Model


在国际资产定价中,模型的推导要么假定市场完全一体化,要么假定市场完全分割。尽管这些模型得出了许多重要的结论,但这些模型的相关实证结论仍主要依赖于市场间一体化程度实际有多强。因此,有必要正确地测度金融市场一体化,以方便对跨市场定价关系的研究。 本文从前人已有的研究出发,在国际资本资产定价模型(ICAPM)的框架内引入马尔科夫转换概率从理论上定义了上证A股指数与MSCI全球指数之间的动态一体化系数,并采用多维GARCH-BEKK(1,1)的方法对模型进行了估计。 实证结果表明:(1)马尔科夫机制转换模型比完全分割与融合的CAPM模型更适合中国资本市场;(2)本文所定义的代表一国资本市场与国际市...In the international capital assets pricing models, they usually assume the markets are completely integrated or segmented. Although these models have obtained many important conclusions, but the relevant conclusions of these models are mainly depend on the degree of market integration. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the degree of financial market integration so as to price assets correctly...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_数量经济学学号:2772006115284

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