
Behind the Collective Blindness——On China’s Modern Public Art from a Perspective of Interaction


对公共精神和公共利益的体现及关注,使公共艺术成为社会各阶层互动交流的平台之一。在西方,它对推动社会民主进程和促进社会发展起到了极为重要的作用。在中国,随着城市化进程大跃进式的发展,城市设计观念不断更新。公共艺术作为现代城市文化生活十分重要的内容,也于上世纪90年代进入了中国民众的视野。但由于思想观念的局限,造成公众审美阅读上的障碍,出现了公众在公共文化生活中对公共艺术的“集体性失明”现象。本文试图通过对这一现象的剖析,打开阻碍中国当代公共艺术发展的死结,探讨公共艺术在公众社会文化生活中所应扮演的角色,以进一步明确公共艺术的本质,加深对公共艺术内涵的理解。 文章通过对公共艺术的涵义解读,综合社...Due to its manifestation of public spirit and concern of public welfare, public art has become a platform of interaction between social classes and has had a leading role in promoting social democracy and social development in Western societies. In China, the ideas of urban designing is under fast transformation in company with the blooming of cities, as part of which public art came into public v...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_美术学学号:1862006115167

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