
A Study on the Empirical Analysis of Herd Behavior Based on CSAD Model and Its Changing Tendency in Stock Market


羊群效应,描述的是市场主体忽略其所拥有的私人信息,跟随市场上大多数主体的制定行为决策的现象。羊群效应作为行为金融学理论的热点研究问题,能够从行为主体的主观因素角度出发研究其决策行为。近年来股票市场中出现的行业板块轮动、题材炒作,都在一定程度上与投资者的羊群效应行为相关,导致了股票市场投资的过度集中,市场波动剧烈。因此,对于我国股票市场上羊群效应行为的研究,能够在一定程度上为股票投资者理性投资提供一定的参考意见,引导其理性投资,同时也能为股票市场机制的完善和改进提供建议。 针对中国股票市场上的羊群效应,本文以CSAD模型为基础,通过构建股票收益率与加权市场收益率的偏离度指标(CSAD),检验该...Herd behavior is a prevalent phenomenon that the agents will follow and imitate other majority to make decision, ignoring the owning private information. As a heated topic in the theory of behavioral finance, herd behavior can explain the making decision from the angle of subjective factors about the agents. Besides, the periodic change of industry and the heated concept appearance are relative to...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562012115193

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