
A Research on Public Opinion Management of Internet in the Emergency in Deqing County of Zhejiang Province


当今世界已进入互联网时代,在人人都有麦克风、人人都有话语权的当下,互联网已成为形成社会舆情的主要阵地之一。当前,我国正处在经济转轨、社会转型的关键期,各类社会矛盾相互交织,极易导致突发事件的发生。一旦某一突发事件成为互联网上的热门话题,往往能够在短时间内形成巨大的网络舆论场。这些突发事件网络舆情如果不加以引导,任由一些错误言论和负面信息自由“发酵”,就会对社会和谐稳定构成威胁。因此,加强对网络舆情的及时监测,有效引导并积极化解突发事件网络舆情危机,避免群体性事件的发生,已经成为各级政府创新社会管理能力的一项重大而紧迫的政治任务。而如何在信息化时代背景下构建有效的、系统的突发事件网络舆情管理模式...Today’s world is a world of the Internet Age when people, endowed with the right to air their views, have an easy access to public speech. The internet has become one of the major platforms that shape public opinion. However, China is undergoing economic transition and social transformation whilst during this a critical period a host of intertwined social conflicts will add to the occurrence of em...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115027

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