
The Classification Research of 15 Vice-Provincial Cities’ Economic Function Based on the Industrial Structure Study


近年来,城市化是中国社会发展的热门问题。城市经济发展推动城市化是城市的经济职能所在。城市经济是以城市产业为载体发展的。城市是一个拥有众多发展不均衡产业的复杂体。在资源有限的情况下,必须充分了解不同类型的城市经济职能产业,合理配置资源,才能加快整个城市化进程。中国的15个副省级城市由于受到行政上的重视,经济发展程度和前景优于除北上广深以外的其他城市,在整个国家的城市化进程中具有举足轻重的地位。本文以15个副省级城市为研究对象,基于产业结构来研究城市经济职能分类。与以往研究不同的是,本文实证中加入了增长因素,以动态发展过程来分析城市职能,通过期初产业规模占比、期末产业规模占比和期间增长竞争力将城市...Urbanization has been one of the most popular topics recently in China. And city economic function is to promote economic growth which is the foundation of urbanization. Industry is important factor in economy. In order to accelerate urbanization, we need to optimize the resource allocation to the industry which developed best. Among the cities in China, the 15 vice-provincial cities are the most ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_经济思想史学号:1532012115202

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