
Factors Affecting the Strategy to Reduce the Household Consumption When Comes A Large Medical Expens


在我国医疗卫生事业高速发展,居民的健康水平不断提高的同时,城乡居民医疗支出也在不断快速上涨。医疗保险是为补偿劳动者因疾病风险造成的经济损失而建立的一项社会保险制度,其最主要的作用就是补偿疾病风险造成的经济损失,如果经济损失得不到很好的补偿,家庭可能就要缩减消费以应对。本文研究面对大笔医疗支出时家庭消费缩减策略及影响因素,可以发现对大笔医疗支出比较敏感的家庭特征,对于有关部门进一步推进基本医疗保险的实施具有积极的意义。 本文首先阐述了研究背景和研究意义,梳理了国内外学者关于医疗支出与家庭消费的研究成果,明确了研究框架和方法。随后,对家庭面对大笔医疗支出的消费缩减策略进行了理论分析,并对其影响因...China’s medical and health services developed rapidly. The residents’ Medical expenses has been rapidly rising at the same time. Medical insurance is a social insurance system to compensate for the economic loss caused by the disease. If the economic loss is not well compensated ,families may have to reduce their consumption. In this paper, we analyze the factors affecting the strategy to reduce t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_数量经济学学号:1542012115188

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