
Exploration and Application of Method to Pre-Process Filed Flight Plan Message


当前民航系统使用的AFTN(AeronauticalFixedTelecommunicationNetwork: 航空固定电信网)报文存在格式、内容、数据不规范的问题,致使FDP系统(Flight DataProcessingSystem:飞行数据处理系统)报文识别率不高,加重了ATC(Air TrafficControl:空中交通管制)管制员的工作负荷。本文针对FPL报(FiledFlight PlanMessage:领航计划报)进行预处理,首先接收报文并对报文编组做规范性 判断,对于非规范性FPL报文,采用直接查询调用历史报文数据替代、数据字典 数据替代、根据规范直接纠正等方法...The current aviation system uses the AFTN messages’ exist format, content, data irregularities, result in low telegram recognition rate of FDP Systems, and increased the ATC controller’ workload. The paper here aimed at pre-processing the FPL Message according to FPL message standard, at first, system judged validity of FPL after receiving, for nonstandard message, directed to querying histori...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机技术学号:X200622102

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