
Multiwavelength Fiber Lasers and Their Applications in Wavelength-division Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks


摘要 随着各种宽带业务的不断涌现,用户对接入带宽的需求不断增长,宽带化已成为接入网发展的最显著特征,预计在未来3-5年内单个用户接入带宽将超过100Mb/s,至2020年带宽需求将达1Gb/s。然而,现有以xDSL为主的同轴电缆宽带接入方式已很难满足用户对高带宽以及安全性等方面的要求,全光纤接入无源光网络(PON)能提供高带宽、高速率、高质量的“三高服务”,被视为下一代宽带接入技术的代表——“最后一公里”的最终解决形式。目前,发达国家已利用EPON或GPON等时分复用无源光网络(TDM-PON)实现宽带接入,但采用时分复用技术导致单个用户最终分享带宽仅30~80Mb/s。伴随“三网融合”及各...Abstract Due to the explosive growth of Internet traffic and the emergence of many new broadband Internet services and applications such as IPTV, video conferencing and online shopping, the bandwidth demand has been tremendously increased and the trend will continue. It is predicted that the access bandwidth demand for each user will reach 100 Mb/s in 2012, and more than 1 Gb/s in 2020. However, ...学位:工学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332006015338

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