Population genetic structure of Chinese black sleeper (Bostrychus sinensis) in China coast based on SSR and SNP marker


中华乌塘鳢是一种潮间带滩涂鱼类,其生活习性比较特殊如栖息于洞穴中,产卵于洞穴中,亲鱼具有护卵行为,仔鱼无浮游期,成鱼不洄游,活动空间十分有限等。这些因素导致其扩散能力较弱,对环境的变化十分敏感。因此开展中华乌塘鳢的种群遗传结构研究可以从生物学的角度了解我国海岸带地质变迁历史以及人类活动对潮间带生态系统的影响,也为中华乌塘鳢资源的保护和遗传育种提供了基础性资料。本文开发了SSR和SNP两种分子标记并应用这两种标记对中国沿海的12个群体以及1个越南群体共13个群体进行群体遗传分析。主要研究结果如下: 1SSR标记和SNP标记的开发 利用磁珠富集法从中华乌塘鳢富集文库中成功开发出20个SSR位点...Chinese black sleeper (Bostrychus sinensis), a kind of mudskipper, which is troglobic and habits in intertidal zone, has reproductive strategy of protecting eggs. There is no dispersal stages for larval and they do not migrate but stays in limited spaces, which causes Chinese black sleeper seldom spread. Therefore, the sensitivity to the environment can be a type of useful indicator. Therefore, th...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2242009115115

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