
A Study on the Embarrassment and Developing Strategies of NBA News Reports on Chinese Integrated Newspapers


NBA是世界上最顶级的篮球联赛,其比赛的精彩程度和球星的精湛技艺颇为世人津津乐道。近年来,随着姚明巨星地位的确立和易建联的高调出击,NBA更是风靡全中国,成为国内3亿多篮球爱好者和各类媒体竞相追逐的焦点。然而,与电视、网络的风光无限相比,处于这两强和专业体育报,尤其是专业篮球报夹击之下的综合类报纸在NBA报道方面却是困难重重。电视直播的声画特质,网络信息的海量、迅捷以及交互性强等突出优点,专业体育报刊尤其是篮球报刊的权威与深度,外加自身存在的不足更使得综合类报纸举步维艰。如何扬长避短,盘活综合类报纸的NBA报道是一个值得关注且大有裨益的议题。针对当前国内综合类报纸在报道NBA方面的经验得失,笔...NBA (National Basketball Association) is the top basketball league around the world. People take delight in talking about its highlights and the accomplishments of the players. With Yao Ming becoming a superstar and Yi Jianlian’s entrance to the League in recent years, NBA appears to be more fashionable in China, for it has become the focus of both basketball fans and mass media. The integrated ne...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院新闻学系_新闻学学号:1052006115021

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