A numberical study of the influence of wave-current interaction during the storm surge process in the Taiwan Strait


海洋在台风的响应过程中,天文潮、风暴潮和波浪是同时存在且相互影响、相互作用的,特别在近岸区域,这种相互作用的效应更加明显。只有综合考虑这三者相互作用的效应,才能准确地模拟出台风过程的水动力情况和波浪情况,这对做好风暴潮和台风浪的数值研究、预报非常重要,对采取有效措施防范台风灾害具有指导意义;从学术价值方面,可为进一步研究近岸海域台风期间物质输运、生态响应等研究奠定动力机制的基础。本文选取台风灾害频发、受灾严重的台湾海峡、福建省沿海作为重点研究对象,利用改进的台湾海峡附加风场和基于卫星遥感风场的背景风场,构建了适合于台湾海峡、福建省沿海的台风模型,并驱动建立的二维台湾海峡及其邻近海域天文潮、风暴...The tide, storm surge and wind wave interact in different ways during the typhoon process. Especially in nearshore zone, the influence of wave-current interaction is much stronger. We can simulate the current and wave conditions accurately if the interactions among these three factors are taken into account. These works are not only important to improve the technology for prevention and mitigation...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_物理海洋学学号:2242010115135

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