
TV backlight LED driver with Output Voltage sample and Feedback


本文针对应用于LCD背光的LED驱动器中存在的由LED制作工艺误差和使用时温升带来的正向电压偏差,导致额外的功率损失,提出了一款新型的LED驱动器的设计。传统设计的DC-DC电路不随LED负载动态调节输出电压,需根据最大负载设计DC-DC电源,在负载有偏差的情况下,系统效率下降、温度增加。本文使用通过检查输出端电压来控制反馈电流的方法,调节DC-DC的输出电压匹配负载动态变化,提高系统效率、解决恒流芯片的发热问题。 本文研究工作如下: 综合考虑器件成本和性能的要求,选取了UMC公司的0.5µm线宽、5V/40V高压工艺并应用BCDMOSdesignrule的设计参数对LED驱动...This thesis applies a new type TV backlight LED drive design for solving the power lost causing by the forward voltage deviation in temperature rise or process drift. In traditional power system design, the output voltage can’t change with the loading so the power design has to cover the maximum loading. When there is deviation in the LEDs, the efficiency of the system will decrease. The new desig...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_测试计量技术及仪器学号:1992007115113

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