
The study of typhoon wind model based on the radii of wind circle


本文对应用比较广泛的几种台风风场模型进行了分析比较,将这几种台风风场模型计算的10级风圈半径、7级风圈半径与气象部门的发布值进行比较,发现均存在较大的误差,其中10级风圈半径最大绝对误差达到351km,7级风圈半径最大绝对误差达到1161km。鉴于此,本文提出一种基于最大风速半径、10级风圈半径、7级风圈半径的台风风场模型,该模型在台风内域分两段描述,在台风外域分三段描述。新模型的10级风圈半径和7级风圈半径与气象部门的发布值是一致的,风速分布相比其他几种模型的风速分布更接近实况。 同时,为了进一步验证新台风风场模型的适用性,本文建立了宁波近海风暴潮数值模型,并选取对宁波市影响较大的0509...In this paper, we compared several kinds of typhoon wind field models which are widely used, the radii of level ten and level seven wind speed calculated by these models are compared with the value released by the meteorological department, found that the errors are relatively large, the maximum absolute error of the radius of level ten wind speed is 351 km, and the maximum absolute error of the r...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_物理海洋学学号:2242010115135

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