
Hardy's View on Nature: An Ecocritical Reading of Far from the Madding Crowd and The Return of the Native


摘要 19世纪英国小说家托马斯·哈代是维多利亚时期一位著名的作家,曾被誉为这个时期最后一名最伟大的作家和诗人。哈代在其88年的生涯中,曾出版了14本小说,4本短篇小说集,8本散文集和“史诗”――《统治者三部曲》。哈代在1871年到1895年间创作的14部“威塞克斯小说”,代表了他的创作才能和艺术成就,并奠定了其在维多利亚小说史上的独特地位。时至今日,从多视角对其作品进行研究的热潮从未间断。有些研究者着重对其威塞克斯小说进行主题分析,有些着意探讨其小说的心理描写并指出哈代小说的现代主义倾向,而另外一些学者又从女性主义和达尔文主义等方面对其小说进行了研究。本篇论文则用新兴的生态文学批评理论对...Synopsis Thomas Hardy was a well-known writer in the Victorian period of England in the 19th century, and he was honored as the last greatest writer and poet of the Victorian period. Hardy was prolific and during the eighty-eight years of his life he published fourteen novels, four volumes of short stories, eight volumes of verse and an ‘epic-drama’, The Dynasts.The 14 “Wessex Novels”, which he w...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_外国语言学及应用语言学学号:2005130034

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