
Research on Volume Calculation of Liver Segment Based on CT Dataset


肝脏是人体最大的消化器官,肝脏疾病直接影响人的健康和生存。我国是肝癌高发病地区,晚期肝癌患者的治疗多采用肝移植手术。虽然目前我国肝脏移植的数量已经达到一定的规模,但执行肝移植手术仍然存在较大的风险,其中肝脏功能测算是事关于手术成功和供受体存活的一个关键问题。因此如果能在术前无创地计算出肝脏“五叶八段”的体积,对于评估手术可行性,预测手术效果有相当重要的意义,将有助于肝脏外科手术计划的制定。 作为虚拟肝脏手术计划系统的组成部分,本文主要是针对肝脏CT图像序列的自动分割和肝段体积测算模型进行了研究。首先,本文针对肝脏CT图像序列的特点,提出了一个混合自动分割算法,提高了系统性能。其次,本文研究了...Liver is the largest digestive organ, which disease directly influences the existence and health of mankind. China is an area with high-disease of liver cancer, and living donor liver transplantation is a main method of curing advanced liver cancer. Although the amount of this kind of surgery in China has reached a large size, there is still rather high risk in the operation. It would be helpful f...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2302006115246

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