
Design and Implementation of Vehicle Permit Management System for Urumqi City Traffic Police Detachment


由于乌鲁木齐车辆数量大,道路狭窄,为了缓解交通压力,市交警支队采用了白天限制货运车辆通行的措施,针对白天有紧急事务的货运车辆必须通行的情况,采用了发放车辆通行证的办法解决,发放了车辆通行证的货运车辆白天可以在指定路段通行,但由于乌鲁木齐市道路数量大,交警大队数量多,在实际管理中存在各交警大队滥发车辆通行证的情况,有的车辆分别在不同大队分别申请通行证,使得白天限制货运车通行的措施有名无实。为了加强通行证管理必须采取全市统一办理货运车辆通行证,对通行证办理进行严格审批。 在对交通科进行了调研的基础上,设计了数据库概念模型,将通行证的若干道路用一个字段存储,解决了通行证和路段间的多对多的复杂关系,...As a result of Urumqi vehicle quantity is big and the narrow road, city traffic police detachment used a daytime restricted freight traffic measures in order to alleviate the traffic pressure. For daytime emergency freight vehicles must pass the issuing vehicle permit solution. With the vehicle passes the freight vehicles during the day can be specified in road traffic. Because of large quantity o...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023027

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