The Military Significance of Gongjianshou Militia in Northern Song China


北宋弓箭手是宋朝乡兵体系下的民兵组织,部署于陕西、河东等路沿边一带,其主要职责是或耕或战,目的在于防御西夏军队的入侵。由于具备财政经济、军事的双重优势,它很快在宋夏战争中崭露头角,而其发展壮大也与双方战略格局的演进密不可分。以往研究北宋弓箭手的取向多着眼于其屯田经济,从军事的角度揭示其历史进程和价值的论著,还相当少见。 弓箭手发展与宋夏战争关系密切,两者的相互关联与影响,对宋廷政治经济等,均相当重要。这可自以下三个部分显现出来:首先,追溯弓箭手制的源头,分析它出现的原因背景,考察其整个发展历程。在这方面,大致勾勒出弓箭手在战略格局转变前后的变化,着重关注战争大环境对它造成的影响。其次,考察弓...Gongjianshou (the Archer), which was mostly deployed in Shanxi and Hedong circuits, is one of the local militias in the Northern Song dynasty to defend the empire from the Tangut-Western Xia’s invasion. Gongjianshou soon made itself outstanding during the war between Song and Xia due to its military and economical benefits to Song. From then on, the destiny and future of Gongjianshou strongly tie...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国古代史学号:1032007115158

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