The Special Experience of Fu yang Peasant under Economic Development ——An Anthropological Study of Collective Blood Selling and AIDS Catching


本文的主要研究内容是20世纪90年代初阜阳地区出现的大批农民卖血和感染艾滋病的现象,其核心问题是中国文化中被视为神圣物品的血液为何会成为阜阳地区农民竞相出售的商品,即阜阳地区农民集体卖血的社会根源。 通过对安徽阜阳地区的多次田野调查和大量访谈资料的整理分析,笔者认为导致阜阳地区大批农民卖血和感染艾滋病的原因主要有以下几个方面:一是阜阳地区脆弱的农耕生态环境以及众多的人口和便捷的交通地理位置;二是处于社会经济转型期和城乡二元体制下的农民面临着诸多的结构性暴力和制度性剥夺,如条目繁多的赋税、缺乏进入市场和社会流动的资源和机会;三是医疗领域的市场化改革为有偿采供血行为的出现提供了相宜的社会环境;四...My research mainly focuses on the phenomenon of a large number of peasants selling their blood and getting infected with HIV in Fuyang during the 1990s. The core problem addressed is why blood, which is considered to be a sacred item in Chinese culture, became a kind of commodity for sale among peasants in Fuyang; namely the social roots of Fuyang peasants' collective blood selling and infection w...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院人类学研究所_民族学学号:1062009115189

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