
Studies on Zheng Jing


郑经是郑成功的长子,1662年郑成功死后在厦门继位。继位之初他首先平定了郑氏的内乱,但不久后由于清荷联军的进攻,退守台湾。郑经坚持抗清,继续奉明正朔,以台湾为基地,开发建设台湾,发展对外贸易,积聚抗清力量,在“三藩之乱”时率领郑军渡海西征,希望继承父志,坚持抗清。与他的父亲郑成功相比,人们对郑经的评价不高,近年来甚至有些人将郑经扣上“台独分子”的罪名。本文充分利用史料,具体分析郑经生平以及他对郑氏集团的影响,客观地对郑经进行评价。全文总共分为四个部分: 第一章,郑经在郑氏集团中领导权的确立。本章主要从郑成功对郑经的培养、郑经平定郑氏内乱和退守台湾三个方面进行论述。 第二章,郑经开发建设台湾...Zheng Jing is the first son of Zheng Cheng-gong. After Zheng Cheng-gong’s death in 1662 at Taiwan, Zheng Jing became the leader of Zheng’s group at Xiamen. Following the beginning of his leader’s life, he put down the civil strife. However, because of the offense of the coalition forces, he dropped to Taiwan. In the following years ,Zheng Jing insisted resisting the Qing dynasty and at the mean ti...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:台湾研究所_专门史学号:2005130264

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