
Chinese Translation of Chapter Six to Chapter Ten of Thieves Like Us and An Analysis of the Translation


爱德华•安德森是少数能将美国大萧条时期底层人群的生活真实地描绘出来的作家之一。他的小说《像我们一样的盗贼》反映了那个时代处于社会底层的人群的彷徨和迷茫。这本小说真实笔法耐人寻味,这也是本文作者选择其作为翻译原文的原因。《像我们一样的盗贼》一共有二十五章,第六章到第十章展示了三个主人公抢劫银行全过程及其内心世界。在这简练的五章中,读者能找到他们想要了解的一手材料,比如,主人公的生活经历、抢劫银行的动机以及他们的矛盾的情感世界等。选定作为翻译原文的这五章反映了三位鲜活个性的人物,当然也反映了当时的时代特征。 该小说的翻译过程也是一场感受之旅——感受“盗贼”的人性、感受底层人群的世界,...Edward Anderson was a brilliant story-teller who had painted a picture of restless life of lower class during the Great Depression. His second and last published novel Thieves Like Us is a classic portrait of small-time Depression era bank robbery. There are twenty-five chapters of this novel, with chapter six to chapter ten telling what happened when the three protagonists robbed banks. All that ...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202009115233

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