
Effects of Different Lights and GA on the Parasitism between Dodder and Its Hosts and Study of Its Proteome


菟丝子属(Cuscutaspp)隶属于旋花科(Convolvulaceae),为寄生草本植物。成熟菟丝子的根、叶已退化,依靠茎缠绕寄主,然后,通过形成吸器与寄主的维管组织相连并从寄主体内获取养分。种子萌发后,菟丝子幼苗的生长主要依靠种子中储存的营养物质或进行有限的光合作用,但通常只能维持不超过3周的时间,因而,尽早发现寄主并与之建立寄生关系对其生存至关重要。在此过程中,缠绕发生和吸器形成分别作为与寄主连接和侵入寄主体内建立寄生关系的标志,成为当前寄生机制研究中的热点。 本研究首次采用具有特定波长的LED作为照射光源,通过光照生理实验,研究了不同光照条件下南方菟丝子幼苗的弯钩打开、缠绕发生及吸...Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) is a holoparasitic higher plant in the family Convolvulaceae. It is comprised of twining stems without root and leaves. Although some species contain a small amount of chlorophyll, they have little or no photosynthetic activity of their own and are therefore depend on their hosts for survival by entwining the stem or leaves of the hosts and uniting their vascular system with ...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_植物学学号:B20042600

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