The Importation of Modern Law of Nations and the Modernization of Diplomacy of Late Qing Dynasty


在晚清外交近代化过程中,近代国际法起着至关重要的示范效应与推动作用。在观念上,公法著作宣传近代地理知识、民主政治观念,改变了晚清外交中华夷之辨与夷夏大防的传统观念。在体制上,由于近代国际法的输入,清政府由此对以国家主权平等、交往、利益对等为核心的近代外交原则与秩序有了相对明确的认识,并以此为基础,实现由传统藩贡体制向近代外交体制的嬗变。不可否认,在晚清中国融入近代国际法秩序的历程中,近代国际法提供了外交制度模式以及法律范本,直接推动了晚清近代外交观念的形成和近代外交体制的构建,但由于各种主客观因素的制约,近代国际法并没有改变晚清中国的弱国地位,维权作用有限,公法外交的道路依然坎坷。本文以183...The modern law of nations worked as examples and promotion forces in the course of diplomatic modernization of late Qing dynasty. From the perspective of the concept, the books on law of nations publicized the modern geographical knowledge and ideas of democratic politics so as to transform the traditional ideas of the difference between Chinese and foreigner and self-defense in the late Qing-dyna...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:20020202

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