
Research and Application of the Unified Software Lifecycle Platform Technology


随着外资银行的进入,中国银行业的市场竞争不断加剧。如何快速交付一个高质量、让最终用户满意的金融产品系统,已成为能否占领市场先机的重要因素。为达到此目标,需要更为有效地进行银行软件开发项目的监控与管理。 随着银行软件开发团队规模的逐步扩大,系统可利用资源也日益增多。如何高效地利系统资源,是企业当前面临的重要问题。统一软件生命周期平台作为提高系统资源整合的重要技术,是基于持续集成方法的软件生命周期管理技术研究的应用平台,它是以任务管理为中心,以需求为开发索引的统一变更管理平台。该平台以开发和测试模式为基础,实现多个生命周期不同阶段工具平台的集成,从而提高企业的生产力,有效降低企业运营成本和市场竞...Along with the foreign banks entering, the market competition of the Chinese banking became bigger and bigger continuously. How to deliver a high quality system that can satisfy the end-user fast has become an important factor to seize the earlier chance of market for us. In order to meet the need, we have to conduct the software development and management research for the project software devel...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200723003

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