Yang-Shi's Role in the Transition of Neo-Confucianism


杨时是两宋之交理学史的一位继往开来的人物,他曾先后受学于程颢、程颐,被时人推许为“程氏正宗”,在他一生的时光中,充满了为传承及播扬洛学所做的努力,贯穿了洛学由私学而成为禁学、再成为官学的这一系列地位变迁的全程;其在洛学南传入闽的过程中,在融摄理学诸家学说,从而使得理学的发展链条由二程而至朱熹的传承体系之中,都起到了无可替代的作用。本文主要分为三个部分来解析杨时在两宋之际的一连串动荡之中,为传承及播扬洛学所做的贡献。一,介绍杨时进行传承及播扬洛学活动时的历史背景,通过对于杨时在对二程典藉的整理,以及站在洛学学者的立场对于儒学典藉重新解注与发现上的功绩的讨论,说明其对于洛学传承与发展的影响。二,讨...Yang-Shi is a great philosopher who lived between the Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasty. He once successively studied “Neo-Confucianism” with the brothers Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi. In his whole life, there was filled with his effort that he had made to spread he his teacher's theory. From that time,Yang-Shi is considered as the best student of his two teachers, since he had obtained the most l...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_中国哲学学号:20040500

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