A Preliminary Study of Wuhu Iron Painting ——The Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Culture Reflected in the Ups and Downs of Iron Painting Art


诞生于清康熙年间的芜湖铁画已历数百年风雨,其间几度“人亡”、“业息”、“失其真”。但在中华民族和地方科学技术文化的涵养以及工艺美术文化的滋润下,仍然具有极其顽强的生命力,人兴业旺,“技不绝”,成为中华民族科技和工艺园苑里的一朵奇葩,我们文明古国的瑰宝。 本文从探讨铁画的起源出发,揭示出劳动人民的共同智慧才是我国悠久文明的创造者这个道理。并通过对芜湖地理、经济、政治、艺术环境的综合分析,探寻铁画在这里成名的原因。最后试图通过这门传统工艺古与今、浮与沉的对比,探究我国传统文化的保护和传承之路。 全文分为五部分: 绪论,介绍选题缘起、相关学术史回顾以及本文研究方法。 第一章,试探铁画创始的踪...Wuhu iron painting which appeared in Qing Emperor has passed hundreds of years. However,because of Chinese local science ,technology, culture, arts and crafts, it still has a very strong vitality now. It just likes a beautiful flower blooming in the park of the Chinese national Scientific, Technical and Technological Park, and also likes a treasure in our ancient civilization. This dissertat...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_经济史学号:1032006115011

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