Mass Media and the Constitutionalism Thought in the Late Qing Dynasty


本文旨在从近代报刊传媒与社会思潮发展互动的角度,解读清末社会剧烈变革的内在思想原因。报刊传媒和立宪思想,是清末社会出现的新事物。近代国人报刊传媒从开始出现到发展壮大与立宪思想由萌芽、发展,再到汇聚成社会思潮基本保持同步,二者之间有着非常密切的关系:近代报刊作为清末新的大众传播工具,加速了立宪思想的传播并促其迅速形成社会思潮;由立宪思想带来的政治变革为报刊传媒的发展提供了宽松的社会环境,并且为报刊传媒的传播内容注入了新鲜的血液。二者的结合加速了社会变革的步伐,并引起清末社会剧烈变迁。报刊传媒与社会思潮的互动对社会变迁影响的探讨,对当前转型时期的中国社会也极具现实意义。本文拟从以下几个方面展开论述...The purpose of this paper is to explore the causes of drastic social changes in late Qing Dynasty from the perspectives of the development of media and social thoughts. Media and the Constitutionalism were new things emerging in late Qing Dynasty. The development of modern newspapers was accompanied by the growth of constitutional monarchy. The two connected closely with each other. As a new commu...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:1032006015294

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