The Observer weekly and the liberalistic “the Intellectuals’ Debated Politics by virtue of Private Journalism” in the later 1940s of China


由储安平主编的《观察》周刊,是中国半个多世纪文人论政史上的最后一个里程碑,它的存在和消亡也是自由主义思潮在20世纪中国瞬息繁荣和旋即沉默的一个历史侧影。随着抗日战争的结束,中国知识分子的政治热情空前高涨。除了参政(成为政府阁僚)与组党外,更多的知识分子选择了通过民间报纸、杂志等媒介发出自己的政治声音,文人论政遂成为知识分子施展才学、实践理想的重要途径。由于诸多原因,参与论政的大多数中国知识分子即使有着或“左”或“右”的倾向,却基本上是“自由主义”的信奉者。他们的“自由主义”信仰一方面直接源于西方民主政治思想,一方面又因受到当时国内外环境的影响而产生显著的变化——这一独特的中国式“自由主义”理念...The Observer weekly whose chief editor was Chu An-ping is the last milestone in the history of “the Intellectuals’ Debated Politics by virtue of Private Journalism”, as well as the reflection of the boom and silence for the development of liberalism. Along with the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chinese intellectuals had unprecedented passion for the politics. In addition to serving th...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_新闻学学号:20043200

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