
the mediaa market survey in the course of the media marketisation


在媒介竞争已成白热化趋势的今天,媒介市场调研在现代传播产业中扮演着越来越重要的角色。首先,它是关于传媒市场运作状况系统、客观、准确的咨询反馈;其次,它是探索新的市场机会的基本工具。媒介市场调研可以向决策者提供关于当前传媒要素的资源配置是否合理、有效的可靠信息,并为改进和变革传播方式提供基本依据。中国媒介调研业的兴起并非是因缘际合的“偶然事件”,其产生、成长于媒介市场化的进程中,可以说它与中国的媒介市场化有着必然的联系。为了论述媒介市场调研的“前世今生”以及其与媒介市场化的种种关联,本文分三个部分对之进行论述:第一章从受众调查到媒介市场调研。本章共分四节,分别主要论述了市场经济条件下的媒介产业化...Media Market Survey has been playing a more and more important role in existing communication industry as the competition among medias trends to white hot fierce. At first, it’s a systematic, objective and correct feedback after consultancy on the media market operation. Secondly, it is a fundamental instrument used in reaching for new market opportunities. Media Market survey can provide to decis...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_新闻学学号:20023200

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