The Development Of Security Investment Fund In Hong Kong And Singapore And Its Inspiration For China


证券投资基金是指通过发售基金份额,将众多投资者的资金集中起来,形成独立财产,由基金托管人托管,基金管理人管理,以投资组合的方法进行证券投资的一种利益共享、风险共担的集合投资方式。2006年,我国证券投资基金得到了迅速的发展,净资产总额达到8550亿元,发行总份额为6208亿份。基金资产净值占到A股流通市值的30%左右,成为占股市市值第一位的机构投资者。2006年,53家基金公司管理的287只基金全年为投资者奉献了2713.36亿元的投资收益,基金正成为居民家庭除储蓄之外拥有最多的金融资产。虽然目前我国证券投资基金业出现了大发展的势头,但仍然存在很多问题和不足。借鉴国外基金业发展的先进经验,对于...The security investment fund is a collective investment manner which share benefits and undertake risks as a group.It gather security investment by portfolio ,which means to get up numerous funds entrusted by the fund trustee and managed by the fund administrator from investors into an independent property by sell fund quotas . In 2006, the investment fund of security in china got a quick developm...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:20041901

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