
The “ Poems” and Love Poems Symptomatic Reading of -Mu Dan and the Research of Mu Dan’s Lifetimes


新时期以来,湮没于历史封尘近四十年的著名诗人穆旦被重新发现,引起了广泛的关注,成为中国诗歌研究界一个持续的研究热点。学术界对穆旦诗歌的成就评价很高,一批新锐学者甚至把他推到“20世纪中国文学大师”诗歌卷的榜首,穆旦研究的热潮在上世纪九十年代达到一个沸点。 据笔者看来,穆旦研究存在的缺陷主要表现为:对穆旦生平研究关注太少,与其诗歌研究的繁盛相比存在着明显的不对等现象,特别是人生经历与人生态度及诗歌写作之间的相互影响尚可继续深入探讨;而且,穆旦研究中缺少对诗歌文本修改问题的关注,特别是对穆旦诗歌经典名作的文本修改情况缺少应有的重视。 本文主要以穆旦生平研究为关注点,以穆旦爱情诗创作分析为辅助,...In new period, annihilation in history of nearly 40 years dust seal famous poet Mu Dan was rediscovered, has aroused wide attention and becoming China's poetry a continuous hot. Academic achievement evaluation of Mu Dan's poetry, and a new high scholar even push him to "Chinese literature in the 20th century masters" poetry of top, in the 1990s to a boiling point. According to the author, Mu Dan ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国现当代文学学号:1022006115005

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