Research on Orientating the Role of ASEAN in Regional Cooperation in East Asia


20世纪以来,特别是亚洲金融危机之后,东亚区域合作取得了长足的进展,东亚各国纷纷向东盟靠拢,以东盟为中心的诸如东盟地区论坛、“10+3”、“10+1”等的一系列合作机制建立起来,以东盟为中心的中国-东盟自由贸易区已经取得了阶段性成果,日本-东盟自有贸易区、韩国-东盟自有贸易区也正在取得进展,东亚各国在经济、政治、安全等领域的一体化得到迅速推进。对此,人们不禁要问:经济实力如此弱小的东盟何以具有这么巨大的影响力,竟能够力压东亚大国中国、日本进而成为东亚区域合作的发动机?国内外学术界对此展开了诸多讨论。对东盟在东亚区域合作中所扮演的角色一直存在着重大的分歧,莫衷一是。有的学者认为东盟在东亚区域合作...Regional cooperation in East Asia has made great progress after the Financial Crisis, in which a series of cooperation regimes had been established such as ARF 、10 plus 3 and 10 plus 1 and so on. China and ASEAN Free Trade Area has made the periodical progress, as well as Japan and ASEAN Free Trade Area and South Korea-ASEAN Free Trade Area. Integrative of the countries of East Asia has been pushe...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:20041901

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