Studies on the Net Errors and Omissions of China’s Balance of Payments


内容摘要2002年,中国国际收支平衡表上出现一个令人瞩目的新亮点,那就是净误差与遗漏项目差额由十几年来一直出现在借方(即逆差状态)突然转向了贷方(顺差),并持续至今。本文正是针对这一情况,试图寻找净误差与遗漏变动的轨迹,以及它同国际收支稳定性结构之间的联系:(1)净误差与遗漏项目的阶段性表现是否反映国际收支结构中的不稳定性因素,是否预示国民经济运行过程中出现的隐患;(2)国际收支稳定性结构中所包含的净误差与遗漏项目应该具备哪些特性,国际收支平衡表上两大一级账户(经常账户及资本金融账户)组合结构(经常账户差额状态——资本金融账户差额状态)如何约束净误差与遗漏项目,以便通过对净误差与遗漏项目变动的...Abstract In the year of 2002, it is a new brightness that the Net Error and Omissions transferred from the long-lasting debit balance to credit balance, which is different from other countries, fixed the eye of the world, and brought the newly international judgment on Chinese economy. The Research on the Net Error and Omission is becoming more and more intense. The Net Error and Omissions ite...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20034200

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