
From the Battle of Caiqian to See the Gains and Losses of Qing Government’s Coastal Management


当18世纪初欧洲人在全球游弋开展殖民活动时,中国的南方洋面上却海盗横行,清廷无力清理,只能抚剿结合。蔡牵海盗集团是当时较大的海盗力量,清廷花了相当大的力气才将其剿灭。以往关于蔡牵的研究多注重海盗集团一方,而对于清廷一方的研究则相对薄弱。本文将详人所略,在海疆治理的视野下,着重研究清军攻剿蔡牵海盗集团时,其军事机制如何运作,包括军队、军械、战略、战术、组织管理、后勤保障等,进而分析清军特别是水师存在的结构性问题。论文也探讨了清廷在平定蔡牵海盗集团后对台湾治理的政策转变和善后措施。这些举措虽取得一定成效,但没有大规模的展开,清廷治理东南海疆的策略也没有重大转变。这些结构性问题在此后二三十年仍然未能...When European colonial activities carried out at the beginning of the eighteenth Century, the Qing government was unable to clean up pirates. The Caiqian pirate group is the larger pirate forces so that the Qing government spent considerable effort to be consumed. Existing research of Caiqian focus on pirates but ignore the Qing government. This paper is a study on the coastal areas and territoria...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_海洋史学学号:1032009115185

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