Study on Economic Double Taxation of Dividends


本文以股息经济性双重征税为研究对象,从国内经济关系和涉外经济关系两个角度探讨如何消除股息经济性双重征税问题。 对股息的双重课税,会在资源配置方面导致公司制企业与非公司制企业之间的扭曲、股利分配与保留利润之间的扭曲、债券和股票之间的筹资方式的扭曲等一系列问题。各国在消除国内经济性双重征税时,采取区别对待居民股东与非居民股东的歧视性政策,这种方式导致公平方面的缺失,也引起了国际冲突。 新企业所得税法出台之前我国双重征税的情况是:国内经济关系中,我国对公司利润征收企业所得税和股息征收个人所得税,双重征税问题十分明显。在涉外关系上,虽然在我们签订的双边协定中有间接抵免的条款,但是国内税法中却没有间...The study focuses on the economical double taxation of dividends, and analysis of the paper is based on two angles: domestic and international, we try to find ways to eliminate the economical double taxation in China. Economical double taxation on dividends will bring these affections as follows: in the aspects of resource allocation efficiency,it has resulted in a series of problems such as dist...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:2005130079

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