Study on the Construction of Chinese Assessment System of Real Property Tax Base


不动产一直是我国国民经济的支柱性产业之一。自十六届三中全会提出“条件具备时对不动产开征统一规范的物业税,相应取消有关收费”后,物业税就一直成为理论界和居民生活中的热点问题。但目前,我国对物业税的研究还多集中于宏观层面,对于物业税开征所需涉及到的微观层面,如对处于保有阶段不动产的税基评估等问题的研究还比较少,而这些问题恰恰是决定物业税能否顺利开征的重要环节。 本文主要从评估体系的角度对不动产税税基进行研究,试图通过评估体系的组成要素分析,针对我国的实际情况,在借鉴境外先进经验的基础上,提出建设和完善我国不动产税税基评估体系的一些具体建议。本文主要分为六个部分: 第一部分阐述了本文的选题背景、...Real Property has always been one of the most important pillar industries in Chinese National Economy. Since the Third Plenum of the 16th Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CPC) raised:” Levy the uniform and standard property tax on real property, and cancel relative charge in a proper time.”, real property tax has been the focus in the theoretical circle and people’s routine life. Unt...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_资产评估学号:2005130085

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