A Study of the Motivation of Foreign Banks Investment in China


经过十几年风雨的历程谈判,中国终于在2001年正式加入世界贸易组织。入世后,预期在中国的各个产业中,所受冲击最大的当推金融服务业。截至2005年10月末,已有40个国家和地区的173家银行在华23个城市开设了238家代表处,比入世前增加了24家;有20个国家和地区的71家外国银行在华23个城市设立了238家营业性机构,比入世前增加了43家,其中,外国银行分行共181家,法人机构14家;在华外资银行资产总额达到845.78亿美元,占我国银行业金融机构资产总额的2%左右。面对这样的情况,对外资银行在我国的投资动因进行研究显得十分必要。了解了外资银行在中国投资的动因,将有利于中资银行应对外资银行的竞...For more than ten years tough negotiation, China in the end entered into WTO in 2001. After the WTO entry, Chinese financial service industry would get the most shock among all industries. Up to Oct.2005,there had been 173 banks from 40 countries or regions setting up 238 representative offices in 23 Chinese cities, 24 representative offices more than those of before WTO entry; there had been 71 f...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20034200

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