A Study of the Development and Influence of the Paper Industry in Song Dynasty


中国古代的造纸术到宋代已经进入成熟阶段,宋代造纸业在以往的基础上取得了长足的发展,并已成为重要的手工业部门,对社会经济生活有着重要的影响。而且在造纸方面宋代也保存了大量翔实的史料,为后人研究当时造纸业的发展提供了必要的条件。但是迄今为止,史学界还没有对宋代造纸业进行较为全面的研究。本文试图通过对宋代造纸活动的初步研究,以揭示宋代造纸业发展及影响的概况。全文分为四个部分: 第一章:宋代造纸业发展的基础。本章主要通过对宋代相对稳定的政治环境、发达的教育、繁荣的文化、国内市场体系的发展、科技进步等方面的考察,从整体上论证了宋代造纸业发展的坚实基础。 第二章:宋代造纸业发展的表现。本章主要讨论了宋...Papermaking in ancient China has entered a mature stage in the Song Dynasty. The paper industry of the Song Dynasty progressed rapidly on the basis of the past development, and became an important handicrafts sector, which played a very important role in the social and economic life. Besides, a lot of full and accurate historical materials about paper making were conserved, offering necessary cond...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史学号:1032007115161

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