The research on the effectiveness of legislative regulation on securities market in China


内容摘要在过去近二十年的时间里,我国证券市场正逐步突破计划时代的体制藩篱和意识形态的束缚,从无到有迅速地成长壮大,证券经济的观念已经深入人心。然而,在我国证券市场发展的过程中,却屡屡伴随着许多证券违法违规行为。这些行为不仅扰乱了证券市场的正常秩序,减损了证券市场的运行效率,而且还侵害了广大投资者的合法利益,危及社会的稳定。因此,如何对证券市场施以有效监管以遏制和减少证券违法违规行为的发生成为摆在各国政府面前的一件现实性课题。具体到我国,虽然对证券市场监管的必要性鲜有争议,但在理论上,对证券市场为什么需要监管,以及如何实现有效监管的研究却不够系统和深入,这在一定程度上造成证券监管实践的盲目,制约...Abstract In the past 20 years, the securities market in our country has been growing up quickly after it got rid of the constraint from the traditional planning-system and ideological situation. But during the developing procedure of the securities market in our country, there are always many illegal conducts in differerent periods. These illegal conducts not only disturb the orders and redu...学位:博士后院系专业:经济学院财政系_法律经济学学号:BH1700013

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