Metallophilic Interaction Facilitated Metal Coordination Polymers and Applications


一般认为,两个金属离子相互靠近时会产生静电排斥作用。上世纪八十年代的研究却表明当两个闭壳层金属离子(如Au(I)、Ag(I)、Cu(I)等)靠近至小于其范德华半径之和时,会产生弱的相互作用力,即亲金属相互作用(金属•••金属相互作用)。最近几十年来,基于金属•••金属相互作用诱导下可聚集形成低聚物或超分子聚集体的金化学备受关注。此类超分子聚集体通常因为金属•••金属相互作用的存在表现出独特的光物理特性,使其成为一类极重要的发光金属配合物。本实验室在构建基于弱相互作用的超分子体系领域开展了...It is well known that two metal cations would normally be expected to repel each other. However, two closed-shell metal cations (such as Au(I), Ag(I), Cu(I) and so on) are normally prone to attractive interactions when the M-M contacts are shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii, which is well-known as metallophilic interaction (metal•••metal interaction). The chemistry o...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:2052007015359

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