The Research on the relationship between the high ratio of M2/GDP and the financial risk in China


改革开放以来,中国的M2/GDP比率不断上升,从1978年的0.31到2007年的1.63,该比率增长如此之快的现象,引起了国内理论界及实际部门的强烈关注。学者们对M2/GDP高比率的成因迄今依然众说纷纭,莫衷一是,从现有研究来看,学者们主要试图解决的是以下两个问题: 第一,M2/GDP比率不断增长上升的原因是什么? 第二,如此之高的M2/GDP比率是否蕴含着金融风险? 从对这两个问题的研究历程来看,国内理论界与实际部门对M2/GDP高比率的态度,经历了较大的转变,他们从20世纪90年代前,对中国市场化与货币化表现的基本肯定,转变为当前对这一比率过高所隐含的体制问题与金融风险的担忧。本文...Since the reform and opening policy began,the ratio of M2/GDP in China presents a trend of escalation continuously.It grew from 0.31 in 1978 to 1.63 in 2007.Such growth situation has drawn a high attention of the theorists and decision-makers in China.But there's a wide spectrum of opinions on this high ratio of M2/GDP problem.From the existing research results,most of economists are trying to ans...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:2005130089

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