Economic and Institutional Analyses of Tax Evasion and Analyses of Countermeasures against Tax Evasion


税收是政府财政收入的最主要来源,是政府为满足公共需要而向社会提供的公共产品的生产费用。而逃税和课税是一对孪生姐妹,自古以来就相伴相生,它对经济增长、收入分配、资源配置、劳动力供给都产生了一定的影响。目前,逃税问题已成为世界各国和我国政府所共同面临的一个理论和实践难题。本文遵循从理论到实践,从一般到特殊的研究思路。具体结构和内容安排如下:第一章,逃税理论研究综述。目前,世界上各国对逃税问题的研究进展如何?本章概括了国内外学者对逃税理论的研究,并着重对所得税逃税进行分析,并以前人的研究成果为基础来展开分析。第二章,逃税影响因素的经济与制度分析。在研究逃税问题时,我们都会有一个疑问:为什么会产生逃税...Tax revenue is the main part of government income. It is the cost of public goods. Tax evasion and tax are twins. They have got along with each other for a long time. And tax evasion has a deeply impact on economic growth、labor supply、division of income and allocation of resources, etc. Now tax evasion has become a puzzle for many countries including China. This thesis meets the general prin...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_财政学(含税收学)学号:20024101

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