The Research on Back-door Listing in A Stock Market for Private Enterprises of Mainland China Registered and Listed Overseas ——A Case Study of The Back-door Listing of Interchina Water Treatment(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd.


随着股权分置改革的推进,困扰我国A股市场已久的制度性痼疾已有所好转,再加上良好的宏观经济基本面以及近两年波澜壮阔的行情,让不少以往远赴境外注册上市的内地民企重新将目光投向了内地的A股市场。但境内外严格的监管条例、监管利益的争夺以及政策扶持的缺乏,却让这类企业分拆回归A股的美梦难圆。 不过,这并不能掩盖潜在的巨大需求和广阔前景。本文所分析案例中的买壳方控股股东——国中控股(0202.HK)正是该类企业中这方面罕有的成功者,其旗下的全资子公司——国中水务(天津)已经成功地买壳S*ST黑龙,即将从香港H股市场返回内地A股市场,实现跨境分拆上市。 本文在首先对“买壳上市”的基本概念进行了详细的阐释...As the reform of non-tradable shares progresses, the health condition of A stock market is turning around, combined with the promising macroeconomy prospects and flourishing market performance of the recent two years, which intrigues private enterprises of mainland China registered and listed overseas so much. However, strict supervisions from home and abroad and the competition between different ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_投资学学号:2005130099

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