Protection design and study of war relics in south Fujian Province


记忆的城市是乏味的,记忆与祈盼筑成生命的长河,时代前行的步伐可以挥去人类所经历的苦难,却挥不去积淀在后人心中对历史、文化和情感的渴望。如今,保护历史、珍存历史已经成为全人类的共识。 记载历史的方式有很多,文字、图画、艺术品等,而其中,战争遗址作为历史的延续,承载着大量的记忆和情感信息。许多与战争遗址相关的纪念性建筑、纪念性主题公园以其特有的建筑语汇与景观语言注释着人类文明史实,并因其所蕴含的丰富历史价值和情感内涵而成为人们情感寄托的象征物。其围绕着遗址本身进行保护设计所塑造的独具个性的形象,也起着无可替代的情感交流的媒介作用。纵观国内外有许多建筑大师在战争遗址保护设计领没有域颇多建树,创造出...A city with no memory is dull. Memories and expectations build the river of life. The memories of hardships may fade away with the pace of time, but the worship of history, culture and love will accumulate in people's heart. Today, the protection of history has become a common sense worldwide. There are many ways to record history, such as words, pictures and art, etc., of which, the war relics a...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院建筑系_建筑设计及其理论学号:2522007115134

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