Immigrant Community and Transnational Education: A Study of Chinese Schools Founded by Philippines Overseas Chinese from Jinjiang in Modern Period


华侨教育长期以来都是史学界关注的焦点和研究的热点。本文选取晚清民国时期晋江籍菲律宾华侨于晋江与菲律宾两地跨国创办的华侨学校为研究对象,通过对两地办学背景、侨校教育体制模式的选择与运用及新式华侨教育体制对中国传统教育体制转型影响的分析,了解广大华侨在民族文化认同的基础上所形成的华侨跨国教育对于华侨居留地与祖籍地侨乡之间区域文化网络特色形成的重要意义。 本文首先从华侨移民史入手,了解晋江与菲律宾之间的渊源关系,分析华侨教育于19世纪末20世纪初于晋江与菲律宾兴起的社会政治经济原因,并以两地侨校的典型:小吕宋华侨中西学堂和泉州培元中学为例,通过对两校具体运作的介绍,诠释两地学校在教学内容与教育取向...Overseas Chinese Education has long been a hot topic in history study. This dissertation surveys the overseas Chinese school in Jinjiang and Philippines established by Jinjiang overseas from Philippines in republic era. By focusing on the founding background, the selection and function of the education institution, as well as the influence exerted by new-style overseas Chinese education system on ...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史学号:1032006115011

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