the intermediary significance of the interface in architecture space


人需求的层次性和空间的多样性使得人与空间之间存在着矛盾,具体表现为空间与空间之间的沟通之中。矛盾的存在使得人体验和创造空间的活动生生不息,永无止尽。这是一个传播的过程。 解决矛盾,殊途可以同归,关键在于途径。中介是对待矛盾的一种方法和态度,中介的思想要求解决矛盾必须把握矛盾的一切方面、一切联系。对矛盾的中介的研究是为了更好地解决矛盾。 作为信息符号系统,界面是空间之间矛盾的中介,是人体验空间,创造空间过程的媒介。本文就界面作为空间的中介由形而下自形而上地展开论述,分析其传播的对象及过程,以期为解决空间设计矛盾提供新的思路。The conflict between human being and space, which is caused by the hierarchy of human being’s requirement and the diversity of space, exists in the communication between spaces. It is the reason why experiencing and creating space, which is a process of communication, do not cease forever. There are many ways to resolve the conflict, and the key lies in the method. Using intermediary is one kind ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑学系_建筑设计及其理论学号:20003500

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