The Pricing of Earnings Management in China’s A-Share Market: Measured by Discretionary Accruals


本文主要研究中国A股股票市场对盈余管理(以可操纵应计为表征变量)的价格反应,以求更深入地理解我国证券市场如何处理会计信息。全文内容框架及主要结论如下:引言主要介绍选题动机、正文各章节的内容安排、以及本文主要贡献;第一章对笔者检索到的盈余管理研究文献进行简要评述;第二章检验了各应计分解模型在中国证券市场的适用性,证明了横截面Jones模型的相对优越性;第三章检验了我国A股股票市场对可操纵应计的价格反应,发现市场对净利润各组成部分(经营活动现金净流量、不可操纵应计、可操纵应计)均进行了单独定价;第四章解释了市场为何对可操纵应计进行定价,发现可操纵应计确实含有有关公司未来盈利能力的信息;第五章检验了...The main purpose of this paper is to test the pricing mechanism of China’s A-share stock market on discretionary accruals, which is the proxy of earnings management, so as to improve our understanding on how Chinese security market process the accounting information. The paper consists of seven sections. The first part introduces the motive for this research, and describes its framework and mai...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:B20021100

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