Research on Risk-Based Audit:An Integrated Analytical Framework on Risk Identification and Response to Assessed Risks


本文的写作目的是,通过构建一个整合的风险识别与应对分析框架,来为实务工作者在实施风险导向审计风险识别与应对相关审计程序时,提供一个可供参考的思路。本文在构建风险识别与应对分析框架的过程中,在追求框架结构合理的前提下,试图尽可能按可理解的逻辑来丰富框架内组织结构的具体内容。与国内现有的相关文献相比,本文试图淡化不同审计模式间的比较,试图淡化对于审计风险模型的过多探讨,而从一种实用主义的视角,将重点置于风险导向审计的理论结构本身,并兼顾实务中应用方面的考虑。 本文的写作结构如下: 第一章:导言。本章内容包括研究背景,选题意义,写作目的,研究方法,文章的体系编排以及贯穿全文的一个关于“风险导向审...The purpose of this study is to build an integrated framework which can help CPAs deal with risks properly when they are applying risk-based audit in practice. On the basis of contemporary risk-based audit theory and new Chinese auditing standards, the author gave an integrated risk framework to help CPAs build and analyze client business model, understand the entity and its environment, assess th...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:20041101

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