Research on the Movement of Natural Persons and the Implication of China's Labor Exports


中国的劳动力资源既丰富又廉价,具有较强的比较优势,因此中国应该成为一个劳务输出大国。然而事实并非如此,目前全球约有1.4亿人在国外工作,而中国境外就业人口总量还不足国际市场份额的1%,不仅落后于发达国家,而且落后于菲律宾、巴基斯坦、印度等发展中国家。目前,经济全球化不断发展,自然人也开始像货物和资本一样在全球范围内流动,且其规模不断扩大,成为增加服务贸易的新动向。在这样的国际环境中,中国劳务输出为什么没有成为一个支柱产业呢?其外部原因为:国际上对于自然人流动所造成的影响仍存在很大争议,导致很多国家采取各种措施限制自然人自由流动,影响了自然人流动的自由化进程;其内部原因为:中国本身对劳务输出没有...China’s labor is very rich and cheap, which is our strong comparative advantage. So China should become a large country exporting labor. However, compared with 140 million people working overseas all over the world, the amount of Chinese workers overseas only accounts for 1% of the total, which is not only smaller than developed countries, but also some developing countries such as Philippines, Pa...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:20031301

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