Synthesis of Genetic Code Origin Model Compounds and Novel Pro-drug of Nucleoside Analogues


生命起源是现代科学3个前沿问题(天体演化,生命起源,基本粒子理论)之一,也是科学界的一大难题。“磷”被誉为空间生命存在的一面旗帜,其特殊作用多年来一直受到科学界的广泛关注。正如诺贝尔奖获得者L.Todd所说的那样:“哪里有生命,哪里就有磷”。此外,大量实验结果也表明,在生命起源前期条件下,磷对许多生物分子,如氨基酸、肽、蛋白、核酸和核糖等的形成都起了重要作用。由此本文将含有P-N键的核苷-5'-磷酰化氨基酸甲酯,即基因密码子和手性同一的起源的模型化合物(“3读1”模型),作为前生物时期的起源模型来探讨遗传密码子的化学起源。 多年来,磷化学在有机化学和药物化学等领域的应用也取得了重大的进展,W...Life’s origin has been recognized as one of three important frontier topics (sphere’s evolvement, life’s origin, basic particle’s theory), also one of the most difficult scientific puzzles. Phosphorus was even chose as a probe for searching of life in space. Todd said, ‘Where there is life, there is phosphorus ’. Many experiment results have showed that phosphorus plays an important role in the fo...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_有机化学学号:1912005130184

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